Here in the Internet Department we‘re always looking for those interesting stories that people share with us. When it comes to Volkswagens and the experiences that our customers have had, I always find it interesting how so many people are such dedicated and loyal customers and the path that brought them to be this dedicated. The most interesting thing is that it's for multiple reasons. Some it's the drive, some the dependability, some the customer service. In this case, it is the unsurpassed safety of our favorite German vehicles.
I recently met one of our newest return customers, Martina and Hugh of Newton. They shared the following images and story about an accident Martina was involved in back in November of 2003. She told me how the person behind her “rear-ended” her going 30mph in her 2000 Volkswagen GTI and literally pushed her underneath a truck that was waiting for the traffic light in front of her.
It is one of those stories that when her husband, Hugh explained the phone call he received from Martina shortly after it happened, I personally thought about how lucky we really are to have such safety in a vehicle. That may sound like a promotion for our vehicles, but it makes me feel better knowing that my wife is driving behind the wheel of this same safety.
When I asked Martina if she had any words to share, her response was “don’t talk on the phone while you’re driving”
Thank you for sharing this story Martina and Hugh and welcome back to the VW family.
Das Auto.
Jason Giacoppo
Internet Sales Manager
Boston Volkswagen
(If you have an story that you would like to share, please feel free to contact me. Just have the subject line read “VW Stories”)
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